I'll admit this is a game I have only now decided to check out and although I've already found out the series never continued, beyond this point. The artstyle is amazing, and playing this on Fullscreen is just really awesome. The pixel art is really detailed and the scenery is great.
I always was a fan of the soundtracks of these games, (Especially the ones from the Mardek series among others but It's all really nice and fitting for the atmospheres)
I'm always a fan of the worldbuilding too.
(Also the back of Arkus Zei's head has a smiley face)
This game although is tricky, the art and music truly shine!!
(I feel like if the platforming was a bit more like how it was in Clarence's Big chance) It would definitely be great. Though once again the world building is what I'm always here for, heh.
You have amazing ideas and it's always a treat to see how they turn out!! Thank you once again for all of the games that were part of my childhood!!